Saturday, November 17, 2007

What Exactly is Christian Character...???

Tim Keller, Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, owns the following quote, but it is so rich and right on point that it is worth repeating here.

"Not only is inner Christian character not the same thing as talents and gifts, it is also NOT the same thing as moral behavior. We must not confuse these things, or think that because I'm leading an exemplary moral life that I am growing in Christian character...Nietzche (rightly) was fond of noticing how much moral behavior was really just a power play, something done so we can feel morally superior...We will never become loving ONLY by trying hard...we'll only become loving through meeting and encountering. Becoming a person of love is not a mechanical process. Something profound must happen to us. We must MEET Love...the gospel humbles me out of my pride, showing me that I am a sinner. But it also VALUES ME out of my fear, showing me what Jesus was willing to do for me....there is no other way to truly change one's character than through the grace of the gospel. No one can change simply through willpower. You will always be controlled by your heart's supreme affection and love -- by your heart's ultimate source of love and meaning. The only way to change a proud and fearful heart is by the grace of God in Christ."

Where does your heart's supreme affection and love rest? Is it on money? Success? Image? Security? Family? YOU?

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